Old for New

Replace the 3 old Van Dam Machines by one new CM608M printer

Even if your old printer are still producing fine, it’s economically wise to consider a new printer. In most cases you can replace 3 old printers by 1 new printer. Please find below a business case of a Van Dam Machine customer, who made this change. For this customer printing was necessary to sell the cup. Therefore, he was focused at reducing costs without investment instead of investing to reduce the overall costs.

Existing situation:
  • 3 Van Dam Machine printers from the 90’s 6 colors
  • Annual production 150 milion
  • 8, 12, 16, 20 and 32 oz cups
  • Average ink coverage of the print area 60%
  • Working 24 hours 7 days a week
  • 5 cup sizes with each 20 different designs
Management summary
Based on customers input we made business case on their specific input. This resulted in below summary.




  1. One CM 608 M printer with quick change over packaging replaces 3 old van Dam Machine Printer
  2. Payback of CM 608 M with Quick Change Over Package 1 year only
  3. Bill reduction of skilled labor
  4. Improved printing quality
  5. Less floor space, energy consumption etc¸
  6. More flexibility because of Quick Change Over Package
Based on above information, customer decided to replace the 3 old printer by one new CM608M with quick change over package. Kept one old printer (best condition) for back-up and very long runs.


Please contact us with your specific business case and it might be as interesting for you as the above customer