Dry Offset
Pionier in Dry Offset
From the 1960’s Van Dam Machine is the leading company in development of Dry Offset printers. With numerous innovations like “Color head standard”, “Curing on Mandrel”, “ Magnetic plate cylinders”, “Double print” etc.. But also for different shapes of rigid products, like the first rectangular printer.
Economic & Sustainable decoration
This printing method is the most economic decoration technology. Cause the printing is done directly on the final product, no intermediate substrate is required. Due to the introduction of laser engraved plates a sharper and a greater detailed images can be printed in Dry Offset.
Van Dam Machine modified their printer to be able to exploit the full potential of the laser plate.
It became critical that printers absorb the negative effects of vibration. Especially the color heads need to be robust and with high tolerances, so printing plates are perfect aligned. The highly accurate punching tools in combination with the magnetic plate cylinders, allows the operator to install the printing plates according to the so-called ‘first time right’ principle.
For any shape
Over the last 60 years Van Dam Machine has developed Dry Offset printers for rigid product of all kinds of shapes; oval, rectangular, triangle, split, lids, clam shells, pails, buckets, etc.
For all types of Dry Offset printers and details see below Solutions or fill in “request information”
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In the last 60 years Van Dam Machine developed for most rigid plastic products a Dry Offset printing machine.
Click below for all the possible options.